5 best website names for a student
why we read this website?
We are students, our goal is to acquire knowledge. In this age of robotics, if you want a good career, you need to know and learn. If you do not keep pace with change, stop imagining a better future.
To strengthen your knowledge, your latent talent, and present yourself to the world differently so that everyone in the world looks at you.
You may be wondering if all these things can happen if I read these 5 websites regularly. The correct answer is "no".
You need to know more. And these 5 websites will awaken your thirst for knowledge.
A student spends a lot of time every day using Facebook, Messenger, social platforms. But from there if we can spend a little time on these sites then we can learn a little more from others every day.
Best 5 website names and uses:
1.GOOGLE.COM:) We can easily find our studies or anything. There you will find many good blogs which you can learn a lot by reading. So it is necessary to have the habit of using Google.com every day as a student
2.YOUTUBE.COM:)Just like Google. We know it as the world of entertainment. But YouTube can be your personal tutor if you watch its lessons.
If you feel weak in Chapter 4 while reading, you can search on YouTube and see. You will find many good videos on YouTube.
3.QUORA.COM:)You can ask any question in your mind. Experienced people in the world will give you the solution. Moreover, you can read good content which is absolutely free.
4.TECHTUNES.IO:)If you know Bengali, you can get a lot of knowledge about technology from this site. ..Moreover, you can also earn money by writing here.
5.NEWS WEBSITES SUCH AS BBC:) Read the regular newspaper to find out what's new every day. If you want to keep pace with change.
'You have to eat your own food,'
'No one else can eat for you.'
You have to suffer because the cause of your suffering today will be tomorrow morning...........
If you have any doubts
. Please let me know....